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We’re at the airport about to head back home. We had a very awesome time here in Costa Rica. One healing in particular stands out. It was from our visit to one of the most dangerous cities in Costa Rica. Our hosts had staged an event where we would pray for those who had need. When given the opportunity, a man stood and told us that his knees were messed up and that he was in an incredible amount of pain. He said he would like to get healed. We prayed for him and immediately all pain went away! I asked him, “What happened to your knees?” He said that he’d been shot! And the Lord fixed it! Crazy, crazy! I’ll share with you when we get back.

~ Fernando

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Healing Testimony

Horrific Chronic Pain Healed

Hi, Fernando!

It’s been a while since we spoke, but I wanted to share an incredible testimony with you of the lords healing that came as a direct word you prophesied over me and my husband almost a year ago at Stuart Gurnea’s house.

I’ve suffered horrific chronic pain from a very bad car accident at 18. I’ve had 13 major surgeries and until about 2 months ago, I was facing additional spine surgeries and hip surgery. I’ve got fused vertebrae in my low back, nerve damage, etc. I have been on HUGE amounts of narcotic pain meds, including morphine, muscle relaxers and medical marijuana just to be able to function somewhat normally on a daily basis.

In an effort to keep the story short, you gave me several words and prophesies. Well, mid-December the lord healed me from 32 years of agonizing pain. For the first time in my adult life, since I was 18 years old, I am waking up almost every day with zero pain in my body!! I’m ramping down of the pain meds I’ve been on daily for 15 years. Going from 4-6 pills per day, plus, morphine, plus marijuana – I’m down to 1 1/2 pills per day and continuing to detox and ramp off these pain meds. Praise the lord!! I wanted to share with you as I’m not sure how many follow ups you get. But this has been an incredible journey for me. To be sitting here, typing this message and feeling NO PAIN is truly a miracle!! One day I hope we can sit down, and I’ll share the whole story with you. 💜

Much love to you and your precious wife! Thank you both for allowing the lord to use you in such mighty ways! Your obedience to Him is changing lives!!

Carla Liss

**** Fernando and Patti welcome the opportunity to pray with you for healing whether your condition is recent or from the your past, as Carla’s was. In addition to group meetings Fernando and Patti frequently pray with friends over the phone! If your not well, don’t wait. Call today!



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