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A Movement Not a Ministry

I was in Costa Rica for a wedding, and I was sitting and eating at a table. The Lord approached me and said that He would like to give me Costa Rica. I was surprised and responded,

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have enough troubles with the English language. No thanks.”

I gave it some further thought and said to God, “I will do it if you give me an interpreter.” Then I said to Him, “Send the burden.”

He was faithful to send it. He also said that He did not want me to do missionary work. This was to be a movement.

We planned our first meeting and decided to invite senior pastors. We got 34 pastors to come to breakfast.

The work was to heal them. Train, Teach, Equip, Nurture, Deploy. In turn they were to do the same for their churches and then go touch the lost.

The Lord straightened out my wrong beliefs and my doubts. He addressed them as we walked. He began with two Scriptures.

1 Corinthians 4:20: For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.

The Gospel is not words but power. You can’t present Jesus without power. Power and the Word are one. To present Jesus any other way is a different gospel.

Romans 4:14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:

You can’t ride both sides of the fence.

I was asked to describe the power of the Pharisees. They had no power.

If you are of the law all the promises of God are null an of no affect.

2 Cor 3:5 Not that we are adequate in ourselves so as to consider anything as having come from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, 6 who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

I was to get on one side, one side or the other. Law or faith. I am not of the Law.

I was to present Jesus in power.

The first meeting the Lord gave me 34 words of knowledge about healing which I spoke to the 34 pastors. Many of them looked at me quizzically wondering how I knew what was wrong with them.

I split the audience in half so they could pray for each other. The Holy Spirit came into the room as a wind and healed them all at one time. I had seen big healings before, one at a time, but never a room full of healings taking place all at the same time.

We held two additional meetings exclusively with senior pastors.

I had a conversation with God. “No offensive, but this is not a movement.”

His response was that He was taking care of it.

We were invited to a prayer meeting where I met a woman who owned Chanel 5 in Cost Rica. We chatted on the phone the following day and she shared that the encounter that she’d had with God was amazing and she thought we should share it with the rest of Costa Rica. Would I like to do that. I agreed and we continued talking. She was talking about sharing it with the rest of Central America. After more thought these words came out of her mouth, “No let’s do South America as well.”

I said “I’m in.”

She gave me two hours of free airtime. That was the beginning of the movement.

I want to share one more testimony. We were invited to go to one of the Islands of Costa Rica. We picked up some people along the way. One was an evangelist and I let him speak first. He was also a singer. He sang first and it was amazing!  We were in the Lord’s Presence the first moment.

When the evangelist had finished, the Pastor leading the meeting looked at his watch and said to me, “You’ve got 15 minutes.”

I said to God, “You’ve got 15 minutes.”

Of the few things that I noted, the Pastor of the church was a little burned out. I began my time with the congregation, though.

“Aren’t you glad God is in a good mood?” I asked.

A few words of knowledge came. “Who is the one with a hurting back?” I asked. Hands went up.

I called out five more words of knowledge. Then the Holy Spirit broke out and we finished the meeting 2.5 hours later.

It was hard chasing God. About 300 miracles later I was so blown away.

Fernando Salas

Costa Rica Trip!

May 17 through May 27th

Estimated cost (Airfare, Food, Lodging): $1500 USD per person

Register now!


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