Deaf Boy

Posted on November 17, 2023

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Deaf Boy

This miracle happened in a Spanish speaking church in Costa Rica: A young boy was brought up front for prayer at a healing service. He only understood Spanish. I was told by the interpreter that his parents said that he had been deaf from birth. The Holy Spirit had me move behind the 10-year boy where I lay my hands on his ears. I began to speak in English and commanded the ear drums to be formed, the neural connectors in the brain to connect to the ears and words to be released in his mouth, in Jesus’ name.

I then I spoke in English behind the boy, so he could not read my lips. I said, “Can you hear me?” He repeated my exact words in English back to me, “Can you hear me.” It was such a shock to me, so I repeated the same words and each time he answered the same back to me. The boy was so happy. Both his parents cried with great joy and gave the Lord the glory due His Great Name for his loving kindness.

This second miracle happened that same night at the same church: A woman came up for prayer bringing her little baby boy in her arms. The interpreter said that the crying mom said that her baby was born with his skull not fully connected to his neck and spinal column. Doctors didn’t expect him to live long. The translation of the mom’s words into English was that the little baby would jerk around a lot when sleeping which caused further damage. I experienced the Heavenly Fathers’ hands entering mine and these words filled my mouth over this little one: “Oh, my little lamb, who is so greatly loved. Be healed in Jesus’ name.”

I could not tell if anything had happened that night, but great peace was noticeable on the little boy’s face, and on his mom. The following day the doctors confirmed the baby was healed.

The next morning, we arrived at the Island of Benado: We were excited about the healing service the night before. We spent the day visiting people who wanted to attend the healing service last night but were unable to. One family we met had several issues. The wife had cancer on her breasts and tumors under her arm. We extended our hands as she laid her own hands on the problem areas. We released the goodness of God. I asked her to recheck the problem areas. She could not find the lumps on her breast or under her arm. She was healed! They were all gone! She was whole!

~ Fernando Salas

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The word “testimony” in Hebrew is “aydooth,” which when translated means “do it again with the same power and authority.” Every time we speak a testimony, or read a testimony, we are inviting the Lord to “do it again with the same power and authority.”

You are reading these testimonies. Therefore, God is inviting you to receive His loving kindness. Put your hand on the area where you need God to touch you for a creative miracle, for physical healing, or healing of past trauma and receive the goodness of God on your being. Check the area to see if there is any change.

Please let us know your results!

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