Prepare the Bride, Patti Salas

Posted on October 28, 2023

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Prepare the Bride, Patti Salas

Song of Songs 2:10 My Beloved spoke and said unto me, rise up my Love, my Fair one and come away.

Psalms 139:23 Search me oh God and know my heart: Try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

It’s about the journey of the heart. Your Heart is His dwelling place. Peace is truly only found in a surrendered life, because only then is true love able to grow. Being able to forgive yourself as He has forgiven you, means you no longer remember your past sins or anything that you hold yourself guilty for. *Your Debts Are Paid In Full* You are free to be loved and to give love.

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